Saturday, November 27, 2010


As the approaching of New Year, some blessings and ideas of doing good merits spur in my mind (they should be always in one’s mind). I find the following prayer is very good and can soothe one’s soul and ideology.

Wish everyone regardless of age, sex, race, education, standard and status (they are nothing apart from temporary luxury) to escape from the whirlpool of sufferings and lead to the path of the ultimate destiny.

nyi aung


Please at least read the following the prayer once!!!

A Prayer for the New Year

Oh great, compassionate Buddha,
A new year has finally come to the world again.
All things change from old to new when a new year begins.

Oh great, compassionate Buddha,
At the beginning of the new year,
I will regard everything in the future
As a today that is new-born,
And everything in the past as a yesterday
That is past.
I would like to express my wishes;
At the beginning of this new year, I wish for;
Harmony in the family and happiness at home;
Contentment in life
And the performing of good deeds to help the world;
Stability in emotions and dignity in character;
The elimination of bad habits
And advances in moral culture;
Determination in doing things
And compassion in treating others;
Smoothness in career and health in body and mind;
Improvement in cultivation
And increase in wisdom and understanding;
Prosperity in Buddhism and the liberation of all beings;
Steadfastness in society and happiness in people;
Peace on earth and universal rejoicing.

Oh great, compassionate Buddha,
In the new year please bless me:
That every word I say be compassionate,
Kind and encouraging;
That everything I do be liked by most people
And beneficial to the masses;
That every intention I have be a blessing to others
And a transfer of merits to them;
That every action I take be beneficial to the nation
And of assistance to the world;
That I be willing to contribute my own body and mind to society;
That I be willing to share everything I own with others.

I pray to you, Buddha,
Please bless and support me with your compassion;
Allow me to share in the suffering of others,
Allow me to promote the well-being of society.

Oh great, compassionate Buddha,
Please give me strength,
Allow me to progress unadulteratedly,
Without idleness, on the way to enlightenment,
And to never complain or regret.
Please give me faith;
Allow me to be able to subdue evil obstruction
On the way to truth,
And to benefit both self and others.

Oh great, compassionate Buddha,
The new year is a pervasive, new spirit.
Allow me to start everything anew;
Oh great, compassionate Buddha,
Allow me to start everything anew.

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